Trends in the selection of accessories in the garment industry today

Garment accessories are a very important factor in the apparel industry. The tendency to choose garment accessories also varies according to the market demand. So what are the trends? What are the benefits of capturing these trends for your business?

The market fluctuates a lot, through each stage there are different changes. As for the manufacturing and trading of textile and garment raw materials. Through research, it can be seen that the selection of garment accessories carries some of the following trends:

1. Select domestic supply instead of foreign

Garment manufacturers tend to select garment accessories from local factories. This is due to the development of both the level as well as technology production of garment accessories of domestic enterprises. In the period of 2007-2008, Vietnam's yarn products only met 40% of the domestic demand, now the number has increased significantly.

2. Select the accessories to match the fashion trend of the market

The choice of textile accessories also varies with the fashion trend of the market. For example, stylish, modern costumes come with chrysanthemums, or "fancy" fabrics, the choice of accessories is also geared towards satisfying these elements.

3. There is a link between businesses

Previously, the link between domestic enterprises in the garment industry was not really high. But now, the demand for quality, design, price brings a common voice among businesses, helping them cooperate and link more closely together.

4. The implications of these trends:

 Demonstration of the possibility of manufacturing garment accessories of domestic enterprises has increased
Garment manufacturers choose their garment accessories as local firms show that the quality of their products meets their needs. This is a good sign that the development of garment accessories industry of domestic enterprises has increased significantly.

Internal linking

Domestic enterprises have a common voice, and cooperate to make garment production more developed, increasing the competitiveness of the outside.

Above are some trends in selection of raw materials for textile and garment industry, so that we can see the development prospects of the domestic garment accessories industry.

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